
Privacy & Security Assessments

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Privacy & Security Assessments

Privacy Impact Assessments(PIA)

Privacy Impact Assessments(PIA) are systematic process to assess privacy risks to individuals in the collection,use and disclosure of personal data.

Identifying Risk and Mitigating Using Assessments

Regulations expect an organization to formulate measures to address these risks. Ongoing privacy and security assessments are key to assessing the potential and ongoing risk of systems and data flows within them.

Through automation, a good PIA process is scalable, allowing small privacy organizations to keep up with their larger counterparts in IT, security, and business. Privacy then becomes simply an integral component of standard operating procedures instead of a hurdle to deployment.


Privacy By Design

Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs are central to creating a privacy by design approach. With these assessments, organizations can discover and fix problems leading to a breach of data protection regulations/laws during the early stages of a project, thus saving money and avoiding negative impact on their brand. Projects subject to data protection laws include but are not limited to new service or business acquisitions and marketing campaigns that target a particular group of individuals. PIAs are necessary to stay on top of rapidly increasing privacy and data security requirements for prospective clients, current customers, employees and any other stakeholders.


As defined in Article 35 of the GDPR, data protection impact assessments (DPIA) are mandatory for organizations with technologies and processes that are likely to result in a high risk to the rights of a subject’s data.

Although CCPA regulation does not mandate on accountability related obligations, it guides on the necessity to train employees in handling privacy requests from consumers. Periodic assessments will help determine the changes in data processing (or any new processing activities) and help reduce the time required to fulfill privacy requests.

The InfoComply platform features out-of-the-box templates for both Security and Privacy assessments and packaged workflows, which can be extended for growing regulation needs.